Clinical Sexology & Sex Therapy for Men in English

If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so many books on how to do it? Bette Midler

As a long-standing and experienced licensed systemic sex therapist, certified psychosexual counsellor and clinical sexologist, I offer professional and tailored psychosexual counselling, individual sex therapy and individual sex coaching for male clients. I also specialise in GBTQ psychosexual relationship coaching.


All topics and challenges of human sexuality (bi, pan, straight, gay, cis, trans, queer...) can and may be brought up in the professional, safe and non-judgemental space of my practice. Q & A.


I look forward to working with you on your issues and challenges in a solution-oriented, creative, relaxed and sustainable manner. And I am happy to support you in the following areas, for example:

  • Loss or lack of sexual desire
  • Premature ejaculation | delayed ejaculation and anejaculation | erectile dysfunction(s)
  • Genital / anal pain during sex (anodyspareunia)
  • Sexual performance anxiety and the associated couple-dynamic
  • Compulsive use of porn and / or sex
  • Issues and conflicts with (inter)cultural, religious or ethnic beliefs and convictions regarding sexuality
  • Lack of sexual knowledge, self-esteem and / or erotic-sexual experience
  • Sexual shame and difficulty talking about sexual issues and needs
  • Body shaming
  • Experience of sexual assault, harassment an devaluation
  • Sexual orientation and sexual identity
  • Constraining erotic / sexual preferences / unwanted fetishes / desires / sexual aversions
  • Sexual coaching and psychosexual bodywork | mindful bodywork | sexological massage therapy
  • Psychosexual Relationship Coaching

Comprehensive assessment
As human sexuality does not take place in a vacuum, a comprehensive assessment of your biographical background, current life, work and relationship situation, chronic/present stress levels and acute or chronic sexual restrictions is also an essential part of my work with you.


Body-therapeutic principles
Because erotic thoughts, sexual feelings and attitudes are usually expressed physically and always experienced through the body, my work is guided by body-therapeutic principles. This means that my approach is not limited to talk therapy. I therefore also offer somatic mindfulness and relaxation-based approaches as well as hypnotherapeutic approaches in my sessions.


Online Sessions

I offer online session via ZOOM.


Intensive Training sessions

If you do not live in Berlin or the surrounding area, or if you want to work on your topic in a very focused way, then it makes sense to arrange intensive training sessions. These sessions are flexible and can take place on consecutive days for 90, 120 or even more minutes. Please contact me for details and pricing.


Research projects - Free sessions

I am currently running two studies for male clients in my practice which are free of charge. One study is examining the relationship between idiosyncratic masturbation methods and partner sex. The other study is looking at the effect of sexological massage therapy on body image and body acceptance. If you are interested in taking part in one or both studies, would like more information or have any other questions, please contact me. Participation in the study can also be combined with regular therapy, with the sessions (3-5) used for the study being free of charge.



Please book your sessions (in my practice in Berlin or ZOOM)

only via my online booking calendar.


Payment & Pricing

I am a private practitioner and the cost of my services is not covered by health insurance.
Payment can be made in cash, by bank transfer or online using Stripe;

your therapy time is reserved for you; I will always try to reschedule a session if you are unable to keep your appointment. If this is not possible I will charge you for the session. If you are late, the session will end at the agreed time.
EUR 110 (60 min)
EUR 160 (90 min)
EUR 60 (60 min) Reduced fee is only available for students/trainees or people with with verifiable current difficult financial challenges.



Other important information
Please note that I cannot prescribe any medication and that a visit to a urologist or general practitioner is highly recommended to rule out any somatic illnesses. All sessions are confidential. No information will be shared without your permission, except in exceptional circumstances [where I am legally obliged to contact those I consider appropriate if I believe you are at risk of harming yourself or others].